
Free online encyclopedia and blog posts for analog IC designer. Use the search below to filter by title.

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HTML Canvas image pixel

Play with HTML canvas image pixel and physics

HTML Canvas matrix rain

HTML Canvas matrix rain

HTML Canvas line animation

Playing with line animation in HTML canvas

HTML Canvas boiler template

Boiler template for HTML canvas

HTML Canvas particle animation

Particle animation in HTML canvas. Move your mouse to see the animation

Filter design example

Filter design example based on the EEE598 taught by Prof. Hongjiang Song at ASU

PCM (Peak current mode) controlled IBB converter design example

PCM IBB converter model in Simplis

PCM (Peak current mode) controlled Buck converter design example

PCM Buck converter model in Simplis

PCM (Peak current mode) controlled Boost converter design example

PCM Boost converter model in Simplis

Gvc simulation for peak current mode controlled Boost converter in Simplis

Using Simplis to verify the Gvc transfer function derived from Mathematics derivation

Modeling of peak current mode controlled Boost converter

Step-by-step tutorial of deriving peak current model controlled Boost converter power stage control-to-output Gvc transfer function

He(s) derivation for peak current mode control

Step-by-step tutorial of deriving He(s) for peak current mode control

Voltage-mode Buck converter design example

Step-by-step tutorial of voltage-mode Buck converter model in Simplis

OTA based Type-II compensator transfer function derivation

Mathematics derivation of type-II compensator transfer function and use Simplis to verify the equations

Type-III compensator design tutorial

Mathematics derivation of type-III compensator transfer function and use Simplis to verify the equations

Conversion ratio derivation for DCM - IBB converter

Mathematics derivation of conversion ratio in DCM and then use Simplis to verify the Math equations

Conversion ratio derivation for DCM - Boost converter

Mathematics derivation of conversion ratio in DCM and then use Simplis to verify the Math equations

Conversion ratio derivation for DCM - Buck converter

Mathematics derivation of conversion ratio in DCM and then use Simplis to verify the Math equations

Different type of load impact on power stage transfer function

Three types of load are investigated - resistive, ideal current source, active load with feedback control

Inductor current and Vout ripple plot in Simplis

Sweep the inductor current and Vout ripple across duty cycle to find worst case ripple

Calculate Vout ripple for Buck converter

Mathematical derivation of Vout ripple for Buck converter

Power stage transfer function Bodeplot tool - Voltage Mode

Bodeplot tool of Gvd, Gid, Gvg and Gig transfer function for Buck, Boost and IBB converters

Power stage transfer function cheatsheet

Summary of Gvd, Gid, Gvg and Gig transfer function for Buck, Boost and IBB converters

Gvg derivation of inverted Buck-Boost (IBB) converter

Using Matlab and Simplis to derive and verify the Gvg transfer function of an inverted Buck-Boost converter

Gvd derivation of inverted Buck-Boost (IBB) converter

Using Matlab and Simplis to derive and verify the Gvd transfer function of an inverted Buck-Boost converter

Gvg derivation of Boost converter

Using Matlab and Simplis to derive and verify the Gvg transfer function of a Boost converter

Gvd derivation of Boost converter

Using Matlab and Simplis to derive and verify the Gvd transfer function of a Boost converter

Gvg derivation of Buck converter

Using Matlab and Simplis to derive and verify the Gvg transfer function of a Buck converter

Gvd and Gid derivation of Buck converter

Using Matlab and Simplis to derive and verify the Gvd and Gid transfer function of a Buck converter

POP and AC simulation in Simplis

Step-by-step POP and AC simulation tutorial in Simplis and compare the results with ideal transfer function

Open loop Boost converter modeling in Simulink

Step-by-step tutorial to create an open loop Boost converter model in Simulink

Open loop Buck converter in Simplis

Step-by-step tutorial to create an open loop Buck converter model in Simplis

Introduction of Simplis

First post for the Simplis tutorial 101 series

AC simulation in Xschem

Example of a closed loop simulation for a single stage OTA

Simulation of open-loop Buck converter in Simulink

Simple open loop Buck converter model in Simulink

Simulation of open-loop switching regulators in Xschem

Simple open loop Buck converter macro model in Xschem

Current mirror mismatch data of Skywater130 PDK

Using Monte Carlo simulation to find out 1.8V device mismatch data for PMOS and NMOS.

Device info of Skywater130 PDK

Voltage ratings and cross section

Monte Carlo simulation in Xschem

Current mirror mismatch analysis using Monte Carlo simulation

Capacitance density cheatsheet of Skywater130 PDK

Quick look up table of capaictance density

Simulation of capacitance in Xschem

Simulation to find out capacitance density of mim cap, varactor cap and MOS cap

Basic voltage and current source in Xschem

The ways to have DC voltage, pulse, sin waves in Xschem

Parametric standard cell in Xschem

Make multiplier, channel width and length as generic parameters for standard cells

Backannotation of operating point in Xschem

Backannotation of Ngspice simulation operating point data into an Xschem schematic

View waveforms in Xschem

Check simulation results with Xschem built-in waveform viewer

Create symbol and hierarchical schematic in Xschem

Basic nand2 simulation example to illustrate how to create symbol and hierarchical schematic in Xschem

Basic inverter simulation in Xschem

Inverter simulation using Skywater130 PDK and Ngspice

Basic RLC simulation in Xschem

Step-by-step instructions of a simple RLC test bench and simulation in Xschem

Installation of Xschem, Skywater130 PDK and Ngspice

Step-by-step instructions of how to install Xschem, Skywater130 PDK and Ngspice on your system

Average Switch Model of Buck Power Stage

Deriviation of average switch model of Buck power stage

Using Average or RMS in Efficiency Calculation

Should we use average or RMS value during efficiency calculation?

Voltage or Current Mode for Switching Regulators?

ABCs of voltage mode control

ABCs of Voltage Mode in Switching Regulator Control

ABCs of voltage mode control

How to Create a Blog Website

Tools, technologies, and references I used to create my blog.

Analog IC and Mixed-Signal Design Resources and Useful Links

Collections of public available resources and classes for analog IC and mixed-signal design.

Electrical Engineer Stencil in Visio

Use the stencil to be more productive.

Data Graphics in Visio

Learn how to add data graphics in your Visio drawing.

Dynamic Grid in Visio

Learn how to use dynamic grid in Visio to make alignment easier.

Turn on Developer Tab in Visio and Lock the Shape

Learn how to turn on developer tab in Visio to enable more features.

Buy Visio with Lower Price through Brytesoft

Want more buy Microsoft product with lower price? Learn how to do that on Brytesoft.

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