Basic voltage and current source in Xschem

Ming Sun

Ming Sun / November 07, 2022

2 min read––– views

Cell name: SIM_voltage_current_source
PDK: Skywater130
Schematic capture: Xschem
Simulator: Ngspice

DC voltage

  • Library: xschem_library/devices
  • Cell name: vsource.sym
name=V1 value=3

Voltage pulse

  • Library: xschem_library/devices
  • Cell name: vsource.sym
name=V2 value="pulse(0 1 100p 100p 
+ 100p 1u 2u)"

Voltage pwl

  • Library: xschem_library/devices
  • Cell name: vsource.sym
name=V3 value="pwl(0 0 500n 0 501n 1 1u 
+ 1 1.001u 2 1.5u 2 1.501u 3)"

Sinwave voltage

  • Library: xschem_library/devices
  • Cell name: vsource_arith.sym
name=E1 VOL="'1+sin(time*2*pi*1e6)'"

Completed schematic

Fig. 1 shows the completed schematic. The built-in waveform graph is being used to display the simulation results. Please refer to Ref. [3] to check the details.

Completed schematic
Fig. 1Completed schematic

References and materials

[1] Xschem user manual

[2] Xschem - 101

[3] View waveforms in Xschem

[4] SIM_nand2_parametric.sch - download

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