Current mirror mismatch data of Skywater130 PDK

Ming Sun

Ming Sun / November 13, 2022

3 min read––– views

Cell name: SIM_current_mirror
PDK: Skywater130
Schematic capture: Xschem
Simulator: Ngspice

Test bench

The simulation test bench is as shown in Fig. 1.

Current mirror test bench for monte carlo simulation
Fig. 1Current mirror test bench for monte carlo simulation

Please refer to Ref. [1] if you would like to view the schematic more clearly in SVG format.

Mismatch data

In this simulation, we collected the mismatch data for 1.8V NMOS, 1.8V LVT NMOS, 1.8V PMOS, 1.8V LVT PMOS with several dimension options. In all of the simulations, we keep the bias to be constant as 1µA.

After the simulation is done, the mismatch data is plotted using Matlab so that we can visually see the distribution of the current.

Current mismatch deviation for 1.8V NMOS in Matlab plot
Fig. 2Current mismatch deviation for 1.8V NMOS in Matlab plot

Summary table

Fig. 3 shows the mismatch data for the devices we used in the Monte Carlo simulation.

Mismatch summary table
Fig. 3Mismatch summary table

Please refer to Ref. [2] for more detailed simulation results.

References and materials

[1] SIM_current_mirror schematic in SVG format

[2] Monte Carlo simulation results documentation

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