OTA based Type-II compensator transfer function derivation

Ming Sun

Ming Sun / December 08, 2022

12 min read––– views

Type-II compensator - OTA based

Fig. 1 shows a Type-II compensator, where an OTA is being used.

Type-II compensator block diagram
Fig. 1Type-II compensator block diagram[1]

The transfer function of Type-II compensator is defined as:

`H(s) = (V_(EA))/V_{fb}`

The small signal AC model is as shown in Fig. 2, where Vref is set to be AC ground.

Type-II compensator block diagram - small signal model
Fig. 2Type-II compensator block diagram - small signal model

The Matlab script used to derive the transfer function of Eq. 1 is as shown below.

clc; clear; close all;

syms Vea Vfb H
syms ro R1 C1 C2 gm s

eqn1 = -gm*Vfb == Vea/ro + Vea*s*C2 + Vea/(R1+1/s/C1);
eqn2 = H == Vea/Vfb;

results = solve(eqn1,eqn2,[Vea,H]);

H = simplify(results.H)


The Matlab derived results are as shown in Fig. 3.

Matlab derived results for Type-II compensator transfer function
Fig. 3Matlab derived results for Type-II compensator transfer function

Here, let us assume that capacitor C1 is much larger than capacitor C2 and OTA output impedance ro is much larger than resistor R1. Then, we can use wxMaxima to further simplify the result as shown in Fig. 4.

wxMaxima simplified results for Type-II compensator transfer function
Fig. 4wxMaxima simplified results for Type-II compensator transfer function

From Fig. 4, we have:

`H(s) = -g_mr_o*(1+sR_1C_1)/(1+sr_oC_1+s^2R_1r_oC_1C_2)`

The zero location can be easily calculated to be:

`z = -1/(R_1C_1)`

Next, let us derive the pole locations. The denominator can be written as:

`1+sr_oC_1+s^2R_1r_oC_1C_2 = (1+s/p_1)(1+s/p_2)`

Assuming the two poles are far away separated from each other,

`p_2 text(>>) p_1`

Therefore, we have:

`(1+s/p_1)(1+s/p_2) ~~ 1+s/p_1+s^2/(p_1p_2)`

By comparing the s and s2 coefficient between Eq. 6 and Eq. 4, we have:

`{(1text(/)p_1=r_oC_1),(1text(/)(p_1p_2) = R_1r_oC_1C_2):}`

As a result, the pole locations can be calculated as:

`{(p_1=1text(/)(r_oC_1)), (p_2 = 1text(/)(R_1C_2)):}`

As long as OTA output impedance ro is much larger than resistor R1, Eq. 8 result shall be valid.

Simplis verification

The Type-II compensator test bench in Simplis is as shown in Fig. 5.

Type-II compensator test bench in Simplis
Fig. 5Type-II compensator test bench in Simplis

The AC simulation results from Simplis is as shown in Fig. 6.

Type-II compensator AC simulation results in Simplis
Fig. 6Type-II compensator AC simulation results in Simplis

The following Matlab script is used to compare the Bode plot between Eq. 2 and Simplis simulatio results.

clc; clear; close all;

gm = 100e-6;
ro = 100e6;
R1 = 100e3;
C1 = 100e-12;
C2 = 200e-15;

z = 1/R1/C1;
p1 = 1/ro/C1;
p2 = 1/R1/C2;

s = tf('s');

H = gm*ro*(1+s/z)/(1+s/p1)/(1+s/p2);

h = bodeplot(H);                    
setoptions(h, 'FreqUnits', 'Hz');   % change frequency scale from rad/sec to Hz
grid on;
hold on;

% read simplis simulation results from csv file
data = csvread("simplis.csv", 1, 0);
freq = data(:,1);
mag = data(:,2);
phase = data(:,3);

ax = findobj(gcf, 'type', 'axes');
phase_ax = ax(1);
mag_ax = ax(2);

% append simplis plot to bode plot
plot(phase_ax, freq, phase, 'r--', 'LineWidth', 2);
plot(mag_ax, freq, mag, 'r--', 'LineWidth', 2);
legend('Math', 'Simplis')

The comparison between Mathematical derivation and Simplis AC simulation results are as shown in Fig. 7.

Type-II compensator small signal transfer function comparison
Fig. 7Type-II compensator small signal transfer function comparison


Fig. 8 visually check the components which generate poles and zero.

Type-II compensator small signal pole and zero demonstration
Fig. 8Type-II compensator small signal pole and zero demonstration
  • At low frequency, ro and C1 forms the dominant pole. This pole behaves sort of as the integrator. The high DC gain guarantees the DC regulation accracy of switching regulators.
  • At mid-band frequency, R1 and C1 generates a zero, which is going to provide the phase boost in mid-band frequency.
  • When frequency becomes higher, capacitor C1 becomes short. Therefore, the mid-band DC gain can be calculated as gmR1. Also, resistor R1 and C2 generates a high frequency pole, which can be used to damping the ripple around switching frequency.

The Bode plot illustration is as shown in Fig. 9.

Type-II compensator Bode plot illustration
Fig. 9Type-II compensator Bode plot illustration

References and downloads

[1] Demystifying Type II and Type III Compensators Using OpAmp and OTA for DC/DC Converters

[2] Opamp based Type-II compensator test bench in Simplis - pdf

[3] Opamp based Type-II compensator test bench in Simplis - download

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