Simulation of open-loop switching regulators in Xschem

Ming Sun

Ming Sun / November 16, 2022

8 min read––– views

Cell name: SIM_current_mirror
PDK: Skywater130
Schematic capture: Xschem
Simulator: Ngspice

Test bench

The simulation test bench is as shown in Fig. 1.

Buck converter macro model and test bench in Xschem
Fig. 1Buck converter macro model and test bench in Xschem

Please refer to Ref. [1] if you would like to view the schematic more clearly in SVG format.

Power stage - asynchronous

Fig. 2 shows the asynchronous Buck power stage. The high side is an ideal switch whose Rdson is 1mΩ when it is on. The switch's symbol and its path is listed below.

  • symbol: switch_ngspice.sym
  • path or library: xschem_library/devices
name=S1 model=switch

The switch model is named as switch. To define this switch model, we need to put the following script into the code_shown.sym stimulus block.

model switch SW(Ron=1m Roff=1G Vt=1.2 Vh=0.2)
Zoom in - Buck converter power stage
Fig. 2Zoom in - Buck converter power stage

We use a pulse voltage source to control the duty cycle of switch S1. The pulse is defined to be 1MHz clock with 50% duty cycle. For an ideal Buck converter, we know that:

`V_{out} = D*V_{text(in)}`

So ideally the Buck converter shall generate a 3.8V*50%=1.9V output. However, from Fig. 1, for simplity, we are using a diode as the low side device for the Buck converter. There will be a conduction loss when the HS is off. So the Vout voltage shall be lower than 1.9V. From the simulation results, we can tell that Vout is about 1.6V.

Simulation results

The zoomed-in waveform is as shown in Fig. 3.

Zoom in - simulation results
Fig. 3Zoom in - simulation results

When d=1.8V, the high side switch is on. The differential voltage across the inductor is Vin-Vout. Therefore, inductor current (pink waveform) will start to ramp up. The input current is equal to the inductor current when the high side switch is on. When the high side switch is off, the input current is 0. Due to the pulsating current nature, the input cap for a Buck converter is more critical than the output cap.

Synchronous Buck converter

Fig. 4 shows a synchronous Buck converter macro model. Comparing with Fig. 1, the Buck low side has been changed to an ideal switch.

Synchronous Buck converter macro model in Xschem
Fig. 4Synchronous Buck converter macro model in Xschem

Fig. 5 shows a zoom-in view of the synchronous Buck power stage.

Synchronous Buck converter power stage - zoom in
Fig. 5Synchronous Buck converter power stage - zoom in

The diode D1 and D2 are added to make sure during the dead time, there is current path for the inductor current to flow. The zoom in waveform is as shown in Fig. 6.

Synchronous Buck converter simulation results - zoom in
Fig. 6Synchronous Buck converter simulation results - zoom in

Comparing with Fig. 3, VSW voltage is 0V when low side is on, instead of -0.7V. As a result, the losses are almost 0, which makes the Vout is 1.9V as predicted by Eq. 1.

References and materials

[1] Asynchronous Buck converter schematic in SVG format

[2] Asynchronous Buck converter schematic download

[3] Synchronous Buck converter schematic in SVG format

[4] Synchronous Buck converter schematic download

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